Safeguard And Grow Your Business Using Email Subscription

Adam E. Badenhorst
4 min readJan 3, 2018


In today’s day and age, we have a lot of different technology tools like phones, social media, many different apps, and emails. Now, I want to bring to you attention the power and importance of creating an email subscriber list. I hope that I can convince you on the importance of doing it.

Here we go with 5 reasons to consider:

#1 It’s Written Down

That’s right. In a digital age, it’s the only thing that is written down. If Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram crash, you can lose all of your content there. There is no security or guarantee at all that the data will remain there forever. For some reason you could get kicked off the platform too. Then what will you do?

In this way, you have everything written down and you can always refer back to it. Call me crazy, but I actually have my most important contacts written down on a piece of paper. Here’s why: if everything ever happens, I know I have a way to contact those few people without relying on a computer.

Action: Think about it and write down your most important contacts on paper (unless you’ve already done so).

#2 Regular Updates to Subscribers

You can give your subscribers updates on a specific frequency. In this case they can engage with you and know what you’re doing or what you plan to do. It’s a nice way to inform them and ensure that they can get in touch with you. Plus, people like to stay informed about what’s going on. There’s a way to do it.

Action: Create a monthly newsletter once you have a list

#3 Promotional Tool

Do you feel like offering special or offering that free course? Well, you can use your email subscribers as your first point of contact and give them preference. You can use it to thank them for their loyalty in subscribing to your brand. Sure, they are subscribers to your company, but it boils down to brand. They have agreed that they like what they see and buy into what your brand is all about it.

Action: Consider offering something promotional to your subscribers like a discount.

#4 Easily Accessible For Everyone

In today’s age, everyone reads email. Some could say we are inundated with them, but is that always true? I still say it works well whether on your phone, iPad, tablet, or PC. Let’s face it, we spend most of the time on our mobile device and we have the email app there. Sure, you won’t have everyone read your email, but you will have those who are most loyal. Isn’t it worth retaining those most loyal ones and finding new brand champions to subscribe to your list?

#5 Storytelling Medium

You have another yet medium to tell more about your brand’s story. Of course, you are doing that with your newsletter. I think here you can be creative and run a campaign that tells a story relevant to your audience. In this way, you put them on a nurture trail and keep them engaged in what you are doing. It’s also an opportunity for them to tell their friends and others about your brand. In other words, they can share your story.

Here we have 5 top reasons for you to build an email subscriber.

Now, I want to give you one more thing. Here’s how you can set this all up:

  1. Go listen to Bryan Harris talk about it as he is the guru and has had experience with this before.
  2. When you’re done, you need a tool to manage the email subscriber list and create your templates. There are many out there like MailChimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, etc. Try to use demos and see which one suits you best.

I hope you’re now convinced that you need email subscriber list if you’ve not already built one. It’s a vital marketing tool that still holds value. If you don’t do it, you risk to lose your entire business. Think about those consequences!

Key Takeaway: Email subscription is vital in this digital age. It’s a sure-free way to safeguard your business against any digital hick-ups. Email is still an engagement tool that can be overlooked — don’t do that. It’s also a storytelling medium and accessible to everyone. Finally, the list gives you a way to provide your subscribers with the latest information and/or promotions to thank them for their loyalty.



Adam E. Badenhorst

Enterpreneur. IT & Heritage Consultant disrupting industries. AI, blockchain, SaaS, ERP.